Danzer tiles with POV-Ray
Based on
Dirk Frettlöh,
Icosahedral tilings in R3: the ABCK tilings,
available online at
(720p: 1280x720, 16:9, 25fps, webm format, video: VP8, audio: vorbis)
- Video collecting most of the following short
Deflation rules for the octahedral tiles
Fractal <ABCK> tiles
- Stereo images of the fractal version of the four
octahedral tiles;
- Comparison of the fractal tiles with different contructive strategies.
- Animation with the 4 fractal tiles constructed
with the "fractal surface" strategy. Fin-like structures are present particularly for tile
- Svn project hosted at
- Contact: Maurizio Paolini
The four tiles A, B, C, K, using the zometool
colored rods.
Subdivision of the four tiles.
Three levels of subdivision applied to each of the four tiles A, B, C, K.
Danzer tetrahedra are joined around blue (90 degrees) edges to obtain
four octahedra, each with four copies of tiles A, B, C and with eight
copies of tile K.
Octahedra <A> and <B> are not convex.
the blue edges and all faces
adjacent to blue edges are removed.
30 copies of the octahedron <K> sharing a common vertex
can be joined to obtain a complex spiked polyhedron.
Two levels of subdivision are applied to the above aggregate of K tiles.
Three levels of subdivision, then only full 4A, 4B, 4C, 8K are displayed with
textured faces.
A travel inside a tile C deflated 5 times (animation).